(423) 278-4218   Lisa@WholisticallyRooted.com

Let's get you up & running with endurance & strength not pain & fatigue.

My mission & passion is guiding people to reclaim and live healthy, joyful, vibrant lives. One person, one family, one community at a time until it causes a ripple effect that transforms the very fabric of our world.
What is contained in the ripples radiating from you?

Are you ready to:

Follow your instinct that there is a better way forward?
Live your best, healthiest life?
Experience your full potential as a living breathing temple?

Be-the-Ripple-1 (1)

Your Three Step Solution

Schedule Your Appointment

Chart Your Path

Achieve Your Goals

Let's honor the temple of your body together.

Others are having success and so can you!

About Lisa Balabas

“I’m not exactly sure when it started, but I know it came from deep within.”

This strong desire, this passion, to help people awaken to the idea that they don’t need to suffer. That with the right tools and knowledge their bodies can restore themselves. This was long before the science of epigenetics – your genes are not your destiny.

Lisa is fascinated by research, and will dig and dig until she finds the root of what’s causing a dis-ease in a person. This is done in a holistic way by taking the whole person into account. Being part of a persons transformative journey to health is nothing short of an extraordinary gift.

Helping you attain the highest form of freedom – for Health is Wealth!

Lisa Balabas has been in the field of nutrition for close to twenty years since graduating from The Academy of Natural Health Sciences. From there she has earned a certificate from The Institute of Integration Nutrition (IIN). Lisa then pursued her CNC (Certified Nutritional Consultant) credentials from The American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC) a nationally recognized organization in the field of Nutrition. Lisa has since become a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach with The American National Wellness Coaches Board (ANWCB).
Lisa is a life-long learner and it brings her joy to share her knowledge and teach others how to live their best healthy lives!

ShapeReclaimed Certified